Beosound A9 5th Generation

From 25.500,00 kr.

The latest generation of a design icon

Beosound A9 has all the great things from the previous generations of Beoplay A9, we’ve just improved them further with the implementation of the Mozart module and design updates that take the product to the next level. The next generation of the powerful wireless speaker with rich sound, authentic materials and a unique, iconic design.

715 kr. pr. måned
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Beosound A9 5th generation

5th generation of Beoplay A9 moves into the Beosound family

Meet the next generation of our powerful wireless speaker with rich sound, authentic materials and a unique, iconic design.

We’ve taken all the great things from the previous generations of Beoplay A9 and improved them even further with the implementation of the Mozart module and design updates that take the product to the next level.

Beosound A9 5th Gen. - Ny og opgraderet version af Beoplay A9
Beosound A9 5th Gen. Nem stereoparring - B&O

Stereo Sound

In addition to delivering powerful sound, Beosound A9 5th Gen. is designed for fast and seamless stereo pairing. Connect to another Beosound A9 5th Gen. for stereo sound – ideal for large parties or gatherings at home.


The Bang & Olufsen app lets you easily try different settings to find the sound that’s right for you. Our acoustic team has developed advanced digital sound algorithms to ensure we deliver our Bang and Olufsen signature sound. For you, this means playful, intuitive and easy customisation of your music experience.

Beosound A9 Smidig Styring 1000x500 1 - B&O

Smooth control

Beosound A9 gives you control over music volume in a smooth interaction by letting your hand glide gently over the surface. With a single touch, you can skip to the next and previous track or play/pause your music.

Beosound A9 5th Gen. vs. Beoplay A9 4th Gen. - B&O
Beosound A9 5th Gen vs. Beoplay A9 4th Gen - B&O

While the Beoplay A9’s award-winning design has not changed on the updated 5th generation, we have nevertheless made new standard colors as well as updated the technical platform of the Beosound A9 5th Gen. to meet future requirements. In our blog post, we summarize and elaborate on the new updates you’ll find in Beosound A9 5th Gen.

Read along as we compare the 5th generation with the 4th generation of our most iconic and popular wireless speaker.


Beosound A9 5th Gen. vs. Beoplay A9 4th Gen.
Weight 21,69 kg
Dimensions 80 × 30 × 80 cm

Black Anthracite, Gold Tone, Natural

B&O Beosound A9 5th Gen. Gold Tone - Trådløs højttaler - Produktbillede - Hero
Beosound A9 5th Generation
From 25.500,00 kr. Select options